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Medicinal Chemistry Department

  • Overview
  • Vision
  • Mission
  • Head of the Department
  • Staff Members
  • Research field
  • Services Scope
  • Techniques
  • Structure
  • Training
  • Projects
  • Publications

Laboratory of medicinal chemistry is one of the research units of Theodor Bilharz Research Institute that focus on quantitative, qualitative and biological investigation of the different extracts and its isolated compounds from natural resources e.g. plants, marines, microbes….etc.The research work in the laboratory is considered the first steps of the drug discovery from natural resources.The techniques used in this field started with biomass selection followed by extraction, fractionation and chromatographic isolation of different phytochemicals in the extracts. The isolated compounds were structurally identified by different chemical and spectroscopic techniques. All the previous steps done in collaboration side by side with biological investigation (Bioassay guided fractionation and isolation of bioactive natural extracts).   The laboratory staff have an  excellent experience in different chromatographic techniques such as column chromatography (CC), thin layer chromatography (TLC), paper chromatography (PC) and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled with PDA and RID. The Research team of the laboratory had excellent experience in interpretation the data obtained from chromatographic advanced techniques (GC-MS, LC-MS and LC-PDA) and spectroscopic techniques (UV-Vis, IR, MS, HRMS, 1D and 2D NMR). Beside the famous chromatographic techniques found in the laboratory (CC, TLC and PC), there are also some advanced instrument; LC-PDA and UV-Vis spectrometry. Investigation the biological activities of extracts and purified compounds as an antioxidant, anticancer, antibacterial, antifungal, antischistosomal and hepatoprotective agents in collaboration with other departments.

According to Egypt’s Vision 2030, the medicinal chemistry laboratory has set a future research plan aimed to discovering Egyptian drugs and products from safe natural resources, either in the form of pharmaceutical raw materials or in the form of pure compounds to treat many diseases that fall within TBRI interest. Our vision also to make the laboratory a pioneer in the field of natural products chemistry and applied its research outputs in cooperation with the industry which in turn will be benefit to society. Continuous research and development of methods for extraction and identification of pharmacologically leading compounds from natural resources. Transfer of experience and knowledge by providing a distinguished training service and collaborate researches, especially for researchers from Arab and African countries in the field of drug discovery from natural sources.

Phytochemical and biological evaluation of natural products from different resources (plants, microbes, marines…etc.) that could help in solve many problems facing society as treatment of diseases (drug discovery), industrial and ecological difficulties. Continuous learning and training for young researchers for raising their efficiency and developing their capabilities.

Prof. El-Sayed Saleh Abdel-Hameed



Extraction of different bioactive natural products classes as saponins, and phenolics (flavonoids, tannins, phenylethanoid, and coumarins), alkaloids and volatile oils from local medicinal plants, fungus, marines and others using suitable solvents and devices as crude extracts.

Phytochemical investigation of different classes of phytochemical compounds.

Isolation and purification of different chemical Constituents from medicinal plants crude extracts Using different chromatographic techniques as HPLC, Ordinary column chromatography, 2D- paper chromatography and thin layer chromatography.

Detection of the nature of the isolated compounds by different spray reagents: for phenolic compounds (NH3, FeCl3 and Naturstoff), 10% sulphuric acid in methanol for saponin.    

Structure elucidation of the pure compounds using chemical and spectroscopic analysis as IR, different types of mass spectrometry (EI, FAB, CI-ESI and HRESI-Ms), 1 and 2D NMR experiments like (e.g. 1H-1H COSY, HMBC, HMQC).

Biological application (In vivo & In vitro):

  • Antischistosomal.
  • Molluscicidal.
  • antimicrobial [Antivirus, antibacterial and antifungal activities].
  • Antioxidant.
  • Hepatoprotective.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Cytotoxic activity [brine Shrimp, different cancer cell lines].
  • Nephroprotective.
  • Antigenotoxic
  • Antibiofilm.
  • Chemical isolation.
  • Structure Identification of chemical compounds.
  • Antioxidant techniques.
  • Extraction using different solvents
  • Chromatographic isolation [HPLC, Glass column, Paper Chromatography, TLC] on silica gel, polyamide, Sephadex, cellulose ….ect.
  • Different antioxidant techniques.
  • Assessment of cytotoxic activity via brine shrimp method.
  • Molluscicidal activity.


    • Rotatory evaporator: Evaporation of different solvents to obtain the crude plant extracts or concentrates the fractions during fractionation of plant extract in chromatographic isolation techniques.
    • Sensitive balance
    • Ordinary balance
    • High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC): Analysis and isolation of chemical compounds.
    • Glass column chromatography: Isolation of Chemical constituents of different crude extracts.
    • Ultraviolet Lamp: Localization of spots on paper chromatograms and TLC as well as follow up the chromatographic fractionation process.
    • UV-visible spectrophotometer: Measuring the absorbance in UV range.
    • Melting Point apparatus
    • Centrifuge
    • Electric oven
    • Vacuum pump
    • pH meter
    • Water bath
    • Electric Grinder
    • Heater
    • Shaker
        1. Chromatographic tools.
        2. Biological evaluation.

Training and services provided by the medicinal chemistry laboratory:

    • Phytochemical screening tests.
    • Total Phenolic and Total Antioxidant content.
    • Extraction and Chromatographic Isolation of chemical constituents.

Scientific advice provided by the Medicinal Chemistry Laboratory:

    • Identification and structure elucidation of isolated chemical compounds.
    • Identification of the chemical component from different extracts using GC-Ms or LC-Ms/Ms techniques.
    • Any Knowledge in the field of Natural products and its application.

Internal Projects:

    1. Pilot Study of Anticancer Potential of Some Herbal Medicine. PI:  Prof. Hanaa Ismail, Immunology Department (2008).
    2. Bioassay of Methanol Extracts from Certain Egyptian Plant Species against Biomphalaria alexandrinasnails and their infection with Schistosoma mansoni. PI: Prof. Hoda Abdel-Hamid, Medical Malacology Department (2012)
    3. Bioactivity of certain secondary metabolites from some Egyptian plants and fungi species. PI: Prof. Laila Refahy (2013).
    4. Chemical and biological investigation of Gmelina arboreaand Tectona grandis (family Verbenaceae). PI: Prof. Laila Refahy (2013).
    5. The Role of Some Plants extracts in Raising Resistance of Snails to Infection with Trematodes. PI: Assoc. Prof. Hanan Shahat Mossalem, Medical Malacology Department (2015).
    6. Chromatographic separation of certain chemical constituents of two Salix species and evaluating them as antioxidant and antimicrobial agents.  PI: Prof. Mortada El-Sayed (2015).
    7. Extraction and chromatographic isolation of certain chemical constituents of Allium Kurrat and Allium sativum and their evaluation and their evaluation as antioxidant and cytotoxic agents. PI: Prof. Mahfouz Abdel-Gawad (2015).
    8.  Phytochemical studies on Cucurbita pepoand Lantana camara extract and evaluating them as nephroprotective agent using rat model. PI: Prof. Afaf Abdle-Hady (2015).
    9.  Phytochemical, antioxidant, cytotoxic and antimicrobial studies of three plants; Ficus lyrate, Grevila robusuta and Abutilon hirtum. PI: Prof. Manal Mortadi Hamed (2015).
    10. Chromatographic isolation and identification of the poly phenolic and triterpenoidal saponins compounds from two Cestrum species growing in Egypt. PI: Prof. Mona Abdel-Motagally Mohamed (2016).
    11. Isolation and Identification of some chemical constituents of Cinnamomum zeylanicumand Psidium guajava and evaluation of their biological activity. PI: Prof.  Samir Mohamed El-Amin (2016).
    12. Isolation and evaluation of Syzygium aromaticum and Olea europaea leaves as anticancer and antiviral agents. PI: Prof. Eman Ahmed El-Wakil (2018).
    13. The antistress ability of medicinal plants on cultured stem cells. PI: Dr. Asmaa Salah El Din Mohamed (2019).

External Projects:

    1. SIDA, Lund University, Sweden (2009-2011):  Developments of new compounds with effect on Schistosomiasis (Bilharzias). PI: Prof. Sanaa Botros,  Pharmacology Department  
    2. Science and Technology Development Fund (STDF) (2012-2014): Extraction and chromatographic isolation of certain chemical constituents of two Allium species and their evaluation as antioxidant and cytotoxic agents. PI: Dr. Ezzat El-Sayed.
    3. STDF (2014-2016): Recent approaches in the utilization of Moringa oleiferaand Moringa peregrina as a good nutritional, medicinal and industrial plant in Egypt. PI: Prof. Aboul Fotouh Mohamed Abdullah, Horticultural Technology Department-Division of Agricultural Sciences, National   Research Center.
    4. MHESR (2015-2017): Isolation and screening of actinobacteria from Moroccan-Egyptian ecosystems as biological control agents against the crown and root rot of tomato caused by Fusarium oxysporumf.sp. (radices-lycopersici) Sacc. PI: Prof. Mohamed El-Sayed Abdel-Aziz, Department of Microbial Chemistry, Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Division, National   Research Center.
    5. Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality (STCSM), China (2017-2019): Studies on novel terpenoids two endangered Pinaceae plants Picea brachytyla and Picea neoveitchii and their bioactivities against type-2 diabetes mellitus” Co-Principle Investigator: Associate Professor. Ezzat El-Sayed Abdel-Lateef Osman, Theodor Bilharz Research Institute.
    6. NRC (2015-2018): Application of biotechnology to reduce mycotoxin problems. PI: Prof. Aml Shawky Hathot, Department of Toxins and Pollutants Food, Food Industry and Nutrition Division, National   Research Center.
    7. NRC (2016-2019): Use of Bacterial Lipase Enzyme in Bio-Fuel Matrix Production from Microalgae. PI: Prof. Abo El-Khair El-Sayed, Department of Fertilization Technology, Agricultural and Biological Division, National Research Center.
    8. NRC (2016-2019):  Bioactive materials from agriculture wastes for upgrading the functional properties of cellulose containing textiles. PI: Prof. Basma M. Eid, Department: Preparation and Finishing of Cellulosic Fibers, Textile Research Division, National Research Center.
    9. NRC (2016-2019):   Elimination of the toxicity of nanoparticles used in food sector. PI: Prof. Mosaad Attia Abdel-Wahhab, Department: Food Toxicology & Contaminants, Food Industry & Nutrition Division, National Research Center.
    10. STDF and Egypt UK Newton Musharafa Fund (2017-2019): Antimicrobial secondary metabolites from marine endophytic fungi for functionalization of textiles. PI: Dr. Ahmed Abdelghani Abdalla, Department of Microbial Chemistry, Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Division, National   Research Center. 
    11. NRC (2020-2022):  An Epigenetic modifiers and co-culturing: new strategies to enhance the production of antimicrobial and anti-cancer compounds from marine derived fungi. PI: Dr. Ahmed Abdel-Ghani Hamed Shalabi, Department of Microbial Chemistry, Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Division, National Research Center.

Publications (2011-2021) 

  1. Ibrahim AM, Hamed AA and Ghareeb MA. (2021). Marine, freshwater, and terrestrial snails as models in the biomedical applications. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries. 25(3): 23-38.
  2. Elkhouly HI, Hamed AA, El Hosainy AM, Ghareeb MA and Sidkey (2021). Bioactive secondary metabolite from endophytic Aspergillus Tubenginses ASH4 isolated from Hyoscyamus muticus: Antimicrobial, antibiofilm, antioxidant and anticancer activity. Pharmacognosy Journal. 13(2): 434-442.
  3. Khalaf OM, Abdel-Aziz MS, El-Hagrassi AM, Osman AF and Ghareeb MA. (2021). Biochemical aspect, antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of Melaleuca and Syzygium species (Myrtaceae) grown in Egypt. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 1879: 022062.
  4. Abdel-Aziz AWA, Abdel-Motagaly M, Shaaban RS, Osman NS and Elwan NM. (2021). In vitro cytotoxicity, antimicrobial, antioxidant activities and HPLC finger print analyses of the extracts of Ceiba insignis leaves growing in Egypt. Egyptian Journal of Chemistry. 64(7): 3573 – 3586.
  5. Abdel-Aziz AWA, Elwan NM, Shaaban RS, Osman NS and Mohamed MA. (2021). High‑performance liquid chromatography‑fingerprint analyses, in vitro cytotoxicity, antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of the extracts of Ceiba speciosa growing in Egypt. Egyptian Journal of Chemistry. 64(4): 1831-1843.
  6. Nasr SM, Elwan NM, Abdel-Motagaly M, Abdel-Aziz AWA and Ghareeb M. (2021). Phytochemical investigation and differential effects of Cestrum elegans isolated compounds as antimicrobial and virucidal against hepatitis A virus. Egyptian Journal of Chemistry. 64(7): 3729-3738.
  7. Osman EEA, Morsi EA, El-Sayed MM, Gobouri A and Abdel-Hameed ES. (2021). Identification of the volatile and nonvolatile constituents of Schinus molle (L.) fruit extracts and estimation of their activities as anticancer agents. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 11(7): xxx-xxx.
  8. Taha NM, Sobhy MMK, Zalat RS, Negm MSI, El-Wakil EA and ElAkkad DMH. (2020). Myristica fragrans and chronic toxoplasmosis; In vivo parasitological, histopathological and SEM study. Journal of Global Pharma Technology. 12(11): 150-156.
  9. Mohamed HR, El-Wakil EA, Abdel-Hameed ES, El-Hashash MM and Shemis M. (2021). Evaluation of total phenolics, flavonoids, and antioxidant and cytotoxic potential of Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle leaves. Journal of Reports in Pharmaceutical Sciences. 10(1): 130-136.
  10. Mohamed HR, Abdel-Hameed ES, El-Wakil1 EA, El-Hashash MM and Shemis M. (2021). Phytochemical screening, in-vitro antioxidant and cytotoxic potentials of Brachychiton rupestris Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 14(6): 3119-3127.
  11. Emam M, Moustafa PE, Elkhateeb A, Hussein SR, Marzouk MM, Abd El-Rahman SS, Abdel-Hameed ESS and Abdel-Rahman RF. (2021). Dobera glabra (Forssk.) Poir. (Salvadoraceae); phenolic constituents of the aqueous leaves extract and evaluation of its anti-inflammatory, analgesic activities. Heliyon. 7(2): e06205.
  12. Ragheb AY, El-Shabrawy M, El-Sharawy RT, Elkhateeb A, Radwan RA, Abdel-Hameed ESS and Kassem MES. (2021). Phenolics isolation and chemical profiling of Livistona australis ( mart. fruit extracts; potent inhibitors of α-amylase and pancreatic lipase. Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research. 5(2): 272-280.
  13. Sharaf A, Mohamed MA, Mehany ABM and Mohammed (2021). In-vitro cytotoxic activity of oleanolic & cincholic acids isolated from Lotus glaber-mill herb (Family, Fabaceae). Azhar International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Sciences. 1(1): 111-115.
  14. Bakchiche B, Temizer İK, Güder A, Çelemli ÖG, Yegin SÇ, Sanaa K. Bardaweel SK and Ghareeb MA. (2020). Chemical composition and biological activities of honeybee products from Algeria. Journal of Applied Biotechnology Reports. 7(2): 93-103.
  15. Ghareeb MA, Tammam MA, El-Demerdash A and Atanasov AG. (2020). Insights about clinically approved and preclinically investigated marine natural products. Current Research in Biotechnology. 2: 88-102
  16. Hamed AA, Soldatou S, Qader MM, Arjunan S, Miranda KJ, Casolari F, Pavesi C, Diyaolu OA, Thissera B, Eshelli M, Belbahri L, Luptakova L, Ibrahim NA, Abdel-Aziz MS, Eid BM, Ghareeb MA, Rateb ME and Ebel R. (2020). Screening fungal endophytes derived from under-explored Egyptian marine habitats for antimicrobial and antioxidant properties in factionalised textiles. Microorganisms. 8: 1617.
  17. Boulanouar B, Guenane H, Sahin B, Öztürk M, Ghareeb MA and  Miguel MG. (2020). Fatty acid, mineral content and antioxidant activities of Algerian fat bee pollen. Nova Biotechnologica et Chimica. 19(2): 208-215.
  18. Morsi EA, Okasha H, Abdel Hady H, El-Sayed M and Shemis MA. (2020). Gas chromatography-analysis, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anticancer activities of some extracts and fractions of Linum usitatissimum. Current Bioactive Compounds. 16(9): 1306-1318.
  19. Ghareeb MA, Khalaf OM, Abdel-Aziz MS, Saad AM, Madkour HMF, El-Ziaty AK and Refahy LA. (2020). Chemical profiles and bio-activities of different extracts of Terfeziaspecies and their other associated fungi. Current Bioactive Compounds, 16(3): 308-319.
  20. Cheraif K, Bakchiche B, Gherib A, Bardaweel SK, Ayvaz MC, Flamini G, Ascrizzi R,  Ghareeb MA. (2020): Chemical composition, antioxidant, anti-tyrosinase, anti-cholinesterase and cytotoxic activities of essential oils of six Algerian plants. Molecules, 25(7): 1710.
  21. Ibrahim AM, Ghareeb MA.(2020):Preliminary phytochemical screening, total phenolic content, in vitro antioxidant and molluscicidal activities of the methanolic extract of five medicinal plants on Biomphalaria alexandrina  Journal of Herbs, Spices & Medicinal Plants, 26(1): 40-48.
  22. Wei Jiang, Juan Xiong, Yi Zang, Junmin Li, Ezzat E. A. Osman, Jing-Ya Li, Yu-Bo Zhou, Jia Li, Jin-Feng Hu. (2020): Phytochemical and biological studies on rare and endangered plants endemic to China. Part XIV. Structurally diverse terpenoids from the twigs and needles of the endangered plant Picea brachytyla. Phytochemistry, 169: 112161.
  23. Shaltout AA, Abdel-Hameed ES, Bilo F.,  Borgese  L., Depero L. (2020): Direct analysis of essential oils by means of TXRF spectrometry. X-Ray Spectrometry, 49: 322–331.
  24. Marzouk, M.M., Ibrahim, L.F., El-Hagrassi, A.M., Fayed D.R.,  Elkhateeb A, Abdel-Hameed E.S., Hussein SR., (2020): Phenolic profiling and anti-Alzheimer’s evaluation of Eremobium aegyptiacum.Advances in Traditional Medicine 20:233–241.
  25. Yu Tang, Na Li, Yike Zou, Yanran Ai, Guang-Lei Ma, Ezzat E. A. Osman, Juan Xiong, Junmin Li, Ze-Xin Jin, Jin-Feng Hu.(2019): LC-MS guided isolation and dereplication of Lycopodium alkaloids from Lycopodium cernuum var. sikkimenseof different geographical origins. Phytochemistry, 160: 25-30.
  26. Wafaa S. Ahmed, Ezzat E. Abdel-Lateef, Eman A. El-Wakil, EL-Sayed S. Abdel-Hameed (2019): In vitroantioxidant and antimicrobial properties of Murraya paniculata extracts as well as identification of their active secondary metabolites by HPLC-ESI-MS. Der Pharma Chemica, 11(3): 1-8.
  27. Mohammed HS, Abdel-Aziz MM, Abu-baker MS, Saad AM, Mohamed MA, Ghareeb MA. (2019): Antibacterial and potential antidiabetic activities of flavone C-glycosides isolated from Beta vulgaris subspecies cicla L. var. flavescens (Amaranthaceae) cultivated in Egypt. Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, 20(7): 595-604.
  28. Marzouk MM., Elkhateeb A, Abdel Latif RR., Abdel-Hameed E.S., Mona El-Shabrawy M, Abdel-Rahman R.F., El-Desoky A.H., Hussein SR., Kawashty SK. (2019): C-glycosyl flavonoids-rich extract of Dipcadi erythraeum Webb & Berthel. bulbs: Phytochemical and anticancer evaluations. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science Vol. 9(06): 094-098.
  29. Manal M. Hamed, Mosad A. Ghareeb, Azza A. Shafei, Mohamed S. Abdel-Aziz, Samar S. Tolba (2019). The in vitroevaluation of antioxidant, anticancer and antimicrobial properties of Araucaria heterophylla grown in Egypt. Pharmacology online 1: 221-235.
  30. Manal M. Hamed, Mohammed A. Abd El-Mobdy, Marian T. Kamel, Heba I. Mohamed, Abdelrahman E. Bayoumi (2019). Phytochemical and Biological Activities of Two Asteraceae Plants Senecio vulgarisand Pluchea dioscoridis  Pharmacology online 2: 101-121.
  31. Khalaf OM, Ghareeb MA, Saad AM, Madkour HMF, El-Ziaty AK, Abdel-Aziz MS. (2019): Phenolic constituents, antimicrobial, antioxidant and anticancer activities of ethyl acetate and n-butanol extracts of Senna italica.Acta Chromatographica, 31(2): 138-145.
  32. Juan Xiong, Wei-Jia Meng, Hai-Yan Zhang, Yike Zou, Wen-Xuan Wang, Xin-Yi Wang, Qi-Lian Yang, Ezzat E. A. Osman, Jin-Feng Hu. (2019): Lycofargesiines A–F, further Lycopodium alkaloids from the club moss Huperzia fargesii. Phytochemistry, 162: 183-192.
  33. Heba Abdel-Hady, Eman Ahmed El-Wakil, Sami Mohamed Nasr (2019):  Characterization and Evaluation of Antimicrobial and Cytotoxic Activities of Glycine maxMethanol Extract J. Pharm. Res. 11(2):418-426,
  34. Heba Abdel-Hady, Eman Ahmed El-Wakil, Eman Abdalla Morsi (2019):Characterization of ethyl acetate and methanol extracts of Commiphora  myrrha and evaluating in-vitroanti-diabetic and anti-obesity activities. J. Appl. Pharma. Sci., 9(9):38-44.
  35. Ghareeb MA, Hamed MM, Saad AM, Abdel-Aziz MS, Hamed AA, Refahy LA. (2019): Bioactive secondary metabolites from the locally isolated terrestrial fungus. Penicillium  SAM16-EGY. Pharmacognosy Research, 11(2): 162-170.
  36. Eman Ahmed El-Wakil, Eman Abdalla Morsi, Heba Abdel-Hady (2019): Phytochemical screening, antimicrobial evaluation and GC-MS analysis of Cyperus rotundus.. World J. Pharm. Pharm. Sci., 8(9): 129-139.
  37. Shawky BT, Nagah M, Ghareeb MA, El-Sherbiny GM, Moghannem SAM, Abdel-Aziz MS. (2019): Evaluation of antioxidants, total phenolics and antimicrobial activities of ethyl acetate extracts from Fungi grown on rice straw. Journal of Renewable Materials, 7(7): 667-682.
  38. Safyah B. Bakare, Mosad A. Ghareeb. (2019):  Chemical profile, antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of Moringa oleifera Lam leaves grown in Saudi Arabia. Mens Agitat, 14: 45-52.
  39. Ghareeb MA, Sobeh M, El-Maadawy WH, Mohammed HS, Khalil H, Botros SS, Wink M. (2019): Chemical profiling of polyphenolics in Eucalyptus globulusand evaluation of its hepato-renal protective potential against cyclophosphamide induced toxicity in mice. Antioxidants, 8(9): 415.
  40. Elkhateeb A, Mona El-Shabrawy M, Abdel-Rahman RF,  Marzouk MM., El-Desoky AH, Abdel-Hameed ES, Hussein SR. (2019): LC-MS-based metabolomic profiling of Lepidium coronopuswater extract, anti-inflammatory and analgesic activities, and chemosystematic significance. Medicinal Chemistry Research, 28: 505-514.
  41. Bakchiche B, Gherib A, Bronze MR, Mosad A. Ghareeb MA. (2019): Identification, quantification, and antioxidant activity of hydroalcoholic extract of Artemisia campestrisfrom Algeria. Turkish Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 16(2): 234-239.
  42. Abdel-Wareth MTA, Ghareeb MA, Abdel-Aziz MS, El-Hagrassi AM. (2019): Snailicidal, antimicrobial, antioxidant and anticancer activities of Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium anisopliaeand Paecilomyces lilacinus fungal extracts.  Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries Zoology, 23(2): 195 -212.
  43. Abdel-Wareth MTA, El-Hagrassi AM, Abdel-Aziz MS, Nasr SM, Ghareeb MA. (2019): Biological activities of endozoic fungi isolated from Biomphalaria alexandrinasnails maintained in different environmental conditions. International Journal of Environmental Studies, 76(5): 780-799.
  44. Sobeh M, Mahmoud MF, Hasan RA, Abdelfattah MAO, Sabry OM, Ghareeb MA, El-Shazly AM, Wink M. (2018): Tannin-rich extracts from Lannea stuhlmanniiand Lannea humilis (Anacardiaceae) exhibit hepatoprotective activities in vivo via enhancement of the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2. Scientific Reports, 8: 9343.
  45. Mossalem HS, Habib MR and Ghareeb MA (2018). Control of infection of Biomphalaria alexandrina(Ehrenberg, 1831) with Schistosoma mansoni (Sambon, 1907) using Eucalyptus camaldulensis. Folia Malacologica, 26(3): 1-11.
  46. Ghareeb MA, Sobeh M, Rezq S, El-Shazly AM, Mahmoud MF  and Wink M (2018). HPLC-ESI-MS/MS profiling of polyphenolics of a leaf extract from Alpinia zerumbet(Zingiberaceae) and its anti-Inflammatory, anti-nociceptive, and antipyretic activities in vivo. Molecules, 23: 3238.
  47. Abdel-Wareth MTA and Ghareeb MA (2018). Bioprospecting certain freshwater-derived fungi for phenolic compounds with special emphasis on antimicrobial and larvicidal activity of methyl gallate and p-coumaric acid. Egyptian Journal of Chemistry, 61(5): 500-510.
  48. Shaltout AA, Abdel-Hameed ES, Salman MS, Kregsamer P, Wobrauschek P, Streli C (2018).  Method Development and Quantitative Elemental Analysis of Mentha Longifolia Leaves from Saudi Arabia by Total Reflection X-Ray Fluorescence. Analytical Letters,51(9): 1433-1444.
  49. Sami M. Nasr, Mosad A. Ghareeb,  Mona A. Mohamed , Nehal M. Elwan, Abd El-Wanes Anter Abdel-Aziz, Mohamed S. Abdel-Aziz (2018) High-Performance Liquid Chromatography-Fingerprint Analyses, In vitro Cytotoxicity, Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Activities of the Extracts of Two Cestrum Species Growing in Egypt, Pharmacognosy Research,10: 173-180.
  50. Hamed MM (2018). Antidiabetic Activity of Medicinal Plants. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research,51(1): 151-165.
  51. Salwa Fouad Oshiba , Rania Ibrahim Yassien, Amal Mohamed El- Shennawy, Hayam Abdel Samie Aiad and Eman Ahmed El-Wakil  (2018). Vivo effect of pomegranate (Punica granatum) extracts versus nitazoxanide drug on the ileum of experimentally infected mice with Cryptosporidium parvum Journal of American Science, 14(2): 27-39.
  52. Salman MS, Abdel-Hameed ES, Alshehri A (2018). A GC/MS Comparison Study of Pelargonium graveolens Essential Oils Extracted by Hydrodistillation and Microwave Assisted Hydrodistillation from North Regions in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Der Pharma Chemica, 10(6): 28-35.
  53. Safwat Gehan Mohamed, Manal Mortady Hamed, Helmy Aseel Talaat (2018). The biological activity of Conocarpus erectus extracts and their applications as cytotoxic agents. Pharmacology online 2:171-184.
  54. Safwat Gehan Mohamed, Hamed Manal Mortady, Moatamed Shrouk Atef (2018). Studies of the biological activity of Cassia fistula. Pharmacology online, 1: 75-85.
  55. Marzouk MM, Hussein SR, Elkhateeb A, El-Shabrawy M, Abdel-Hameed ES and Kawashty SA (2018).  Comparative study of Mentha species growing wild in Egypt: LC-ESI-MS analysis and chemosystematic significance. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, 8(08): 116-122.
  56. Hussein SR, Abdel Latif RR.,  Marzouk MM, Elkhateeb A,  Mohammed RS,  Soliman AA, Abdel-Hameed ES (2018). Spectrometric analysis, phenolics isolation and cytotoxic activity of Stipagrostis plumosa(Family Poaceae). Chemical Paper, 72 (1): 29–37.
  57. Heba Abdel-Hady, Mortada M. El-Sayed, Mahfouz M. Abdel-Gawad, Eman A. El-Wakil, EL-Sayed S. Abdel-Hameed, Ezzat E. Abdel-Lateef (2018): LC-ESI-MS analysis, antitumor and antioxidant activities of methanolic extract of Egyptian Allium kurrat. Appl. Pharm. Sci., 8 (7): 85-92.
  58. Heba Abdel-Hady, Eman Ahmed El-Wakil and Mahfouz Abdel-Gawad (2018). GC-MS Analysis, Antioxidant and Cytotoxic Activities of Mentha spicata. European Journal of Medicinal Plants. 26(1): 1-12
  59. Mortada M. El-Sayed, Nadia H. Metwally, Ibrahim A. Ibrahim, Heba Abdel-Hady, Bassant S.A. Abdel-Wahab (2018). Antioxidant activity, total phenolic and flavonoid contents of Petroselinum crispum J. Appl. Life. Sci. Int. 19 (2): 1-7.
  60. Hamed MM, Refahy LA, Shafei AA, Abd El Aziz EGI.(2018):  Antimicrobial Activity and Chemical Composition of Essential Oil from Pittosporum eugenioides. Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res., 51(1): 187-192.
  61. Guang-Lei Ma, Juan Xiong, Ezzat E. A. Osman, Ting Huang, Guo-Xun Yang, Jin-Feng Hu. (2018): LC-MS guided isolation of sinodamines A and B: Chimonanthine-type alkaloids from the endangered ornamental plant Sinocalycanthus chinensis. Phytochemistry, 151: 61-68.
  62. Ghareeb MA, Saad AM, Ahmed WS, Refahy LA, Nasr SM. (2018): HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS/MS characterization of bioactive secondary metabolites from Strelitzia nicolaileaf extracts and their antioxidant and anticancer activities in vitro. Pharmacognosy Research, 10(4): 368-378.
  63. Ghareeb MA, Mohamed T, Saad AM, Refahy LA, Sobeh M, Wink M. (2018): HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS/MS analysis of fruits from Firmiana simplex(L.) and evaluation of their antioxidant and antigenotoxic properties. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 70: 133-142.
  64. Farid MM, Marzouk MM, Hussein SR, Elkhateeb A and Abdel-Hameed ES (2018). Comparative study of Posidonia oceanica : LC/ESI/MS analysis, cytotoxic activity and chemosystematic significance. Journal of Materials and Environmental Sciences, 9(6), 1676-1682.
  65. Ezzat E. Abdel-Lateef, Ibrahim A. Rabia, Mahfouz M. Abdel-Gawad, Mortada M. El-Sayed (2018). In vitro antischistosomalactivity of Allium cepa (Red onion) extracts and identification of the essential oil chemical composition by GC-MS. J. Microbiol. Biotech. Food Sci. 7 (4): 421-425.
  66. El-Sayed, MM, Abdel-Aziz, MM,  Abo-Sedra, SA, Mohamed, HR, & Abdel-lateef, EE (2018). Isolation and identification of certain phenolic compounds from Salix mucronataleaf extracts and evaluation them as antimicrobial agents. Current Bioactive Compounds, 15(3), 360–366.
  67. Aladwani, AM, Salman M and Abdel Hameed ES. (2018): Chemical composition of Ocimum basilicum essential oil from different regions in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia by using Gas chromatography mass spectrometer. Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies, 6(1): 14-19.
  68. Abdel-Lateef EE,  Rabia IA, El-Sayed MM and Abdel-Hameed ES (2018). HPLC-ESI-MS Characterization of Certain Polyphenolic Compounds of Carica papaya Fruit Extracts and Evaluation of Their Potential Against Murine Schistosomiasis mansoni. Drug Research, 68(9):521-528.
  69. Abdel-Hameed ES, Salman MS, Fadl M.A, Elkhateeb A, and Hassan MM (2018). Chemical composition and biological activity of Mentha longifolia solvent free Microwave and microwave hydrodistillation. Journal of Essential oil Bearing Plants, 21(1): 1-14.
  70. Abdel-Hameed ES, Salman MS, Fadl M.A, Elkhateeb A, and El-Awady MA (2018). Chemical Composition of Hydrodistillation and Solvent Free Microwave Extraction of Essential Oils from Mentha piperita Growing in Taif, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and their Anticancer and Antimicrobial Activity. Oriental Journal of Chemistry, 34(1):  222-233.
  71. Abdel-Hady H, El-Sayed M, Abdel-hady AA, Hashash MM, Abdel-Hady AM, Aboushousha T, Abdel-Hameed ES, Abdel-Lateef EE, Morsi EA. (2018). Nephroprotective Activity of Methanolic Extract of Lantana camara and Squash (Cucurbita pepo) on Cisplatin-Induced Nephro­toxicity in Rats and Identification of Certain Chemical Constituents of Lantana camara by HPLC-ESI-MS. Pharmacognosy Journal,10(1): 36-147.
  72. Abdel-Aziz MS, Ghareeb MA, Saad AM, Refahy LA, Hamed AA. (2018): Chromatographic isolation and structural elucidation of secondary metabolites from the soil-inhabiting fungus Aspergillus fumigatus3T-EGY. Acta Chromatographica. 30(4): 243-249.
  73. Saad, A.M., Mohammed, M.M.D., Ghareeb, M.A., Ahmed, W.S., Farid, M.A. (2017): Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of the leaves of Cupressus macrocarpa ex Gordon.Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, 7, 207-212.
  74. Hamed, M.M., Ghareeb, M.A., Abdel-Aleem, A.H., Saad, A.M., Abdel-Aziz, M.S., Hadad, A.H. (2017): Chemical analysis, antioxidant activity and antimicrobial activity of isolated compounds and essential oil from Callistemon citrinusleaf,“ International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research, 44, 209-216.
  75. Hamed, MM, Yossef, AMA, Ghareeb, MA, Saleh, SA (2017): Chemical constituents, in vitroantioxidant activity, oral acute toxicity and LD50 determination of Moringa oleifera leavesInternational Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 9, 240-247.
  76. Saad, AM, Ghareeb, MA, Abdel-Aziz, MS, Madkour, HMF, Khalaf, OM, El-Ziaty, AK, Abdel-Mogib, M (2017): Chemical constituents and biological activities of different solvent extracts of Prosopis farctagrowing in Egypt Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy, 9, 67-76.
  77. Madkour, HMF, Ghareeb, MA, Abdel-Aziz, MS, Khalaf, OM, Saad, AM, El-Ziaty, AK, Abdel-Mogib, M (2017): Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis, antimicrobial, anticancer and antioxidant activities of n-hexane and methylene chloride extracts from Senna italic.Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, 7, 023-032.
  78. Hamed, MM, Refahy, LA, Abdel-Aziz, MS (2017): Assessing the bioactivity and antioxidative properties of some compounds isolated from Abutilon hirtum(Lam.). Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research. 10 (3): 333 – 340.
  79. Ghareeb, MA, Hamed, MM, Abdel-Aleem, AH, Saad, AM, Abdel-Aziz, MS, Hadad, AH (2017): Extraction, isolation and characterization of bioactive compounds and essential oil from Syzygium jambos. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, 10, 194-200.
  80. Ismail, OMM, Abdel-Aziz, MS, Ghareeb, MA, Hassan, RYA (2017): Exploring the biological activities of the Hylocereus polyrhizusextract. Journal of Innovations in Pharmaceutical and Biological Sciences, 4, 01-06.
  81. Mossalem, HS, Ghareeb, MA, Refahy, LA, Mohamed, AS, Habib, MR (2017): Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis and antioxidant activity of Punica granatum peels and its role as immunostimulant against Schistosoma mansoniinfection in Biomphalaria alexandrina,“ Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, 10, 1-7.
  82. Heba Abdel-Hady, Mahfouz Mohamed Abdel-Gawad, Eman Ahmed El-Wakil (2017). Characterization and evaluation of antioxidant activity of Ocimum canunleaves and its efficiency on Schistosoma mansoni larval stage. INDO American J of Pharmaceutical Reseach. Vol. 7 (11).
  83. Mortada M. El-Sayed, Maher M. Hashash, Afaf A. Abdel-Hady, Heba Abdel-Hady, Ezzat E. Abdel-Lateef and Eman A. Morsi (2017). Total phenolic and flavonoid contents and antioxidant activity of Lantana camara and Cucurbita pepo (squash) extracts as well as GC-MS analysis of Lantana camara essential oils. World J. Pharm. Res. 6(1), 137-153.
  84. Saad, AM, Abdel-Aleem, AH, Ghareeb, MA, Hamed, MM, Abdel-Aziz, M.S., Hadad, A.H. (2017): In vitroantioxidant, antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities and green biosynthesis of silver & gold nanoparticles using Callistemon citrinus leaf extract. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, 7, 141-149.
  85. El-Hagrassi AM, Elkhateeb A, Hussein SR, Abdel-Hameed ES, Marzouk MM. (2017):  LC–ESI-MS profile, antioxidant activity and cytotoxic screening of Oligomeris linifolia(Vahl) Macbr. (Resedaceae). J App Pharm Sci, 7 (08): 043-047.
  86. El-Sayed S. Abdel-Hameed, Salih A. Bazaid (2017): Chemical composition of essential oil from leaves of Schinus molle growing in Taif, KSA. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 20 (1); 45 – 58.
  87. Maher M. Hashash, Mortada M. El-Sayed, Afaf A. Abdel-Hady, Heba Abdel Hady, Eman A. Morsi (2017). Nutritional potential, mineral composition and antioxidant activity squash (Cucurbitapepo) fruits grown in Egypt.  Europ.  J. Biomed. Pharma. Sci. 4 (3), 05-12.
  88. Hamed, M, Mohamed, M and W Ahmed. (2017): Antioxidant Potential, Antitumor Activity and Phenolic Profile of PhoenixDactylifera Linn”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 9(5): 130-136.
  89. Mohamed A. El-Awady, Mohamed M. Hassan, El-Sayed S. Abdel-Hameed and Ahmed Gaber (2016): Comparison of the antioxidant activities, phenolic and flavonoids contents of the leaves-crud extracts of Moringa peregrineand Moringa oleifera. International Journal of Biosciences, 8 (1) 55-62.
  90. Lamyaa F. Ibrahim, Ahmed Elkhateeb, Mona M. Marzouk, Sameh R. Hussein,  El-Sayed S. Abdel-Hameed and Mona E. S. Kassem (2016): Flavonoid investigation, LC–ESI-MS profile and cytotoxic activity of Raphanus raphanistrum (Brassicaceae). J. Chem. Pharm. Res., 8(7):786-793.
  91. Mona M. Marzouk, Sameh R. Hussein, Ahmed Elkhateeb, Mai M. Farid, Lamyaa F. Ibrahim and El-Sayed S. Abdel-Hameed (2016): Phenolic profiling of Rorippa palustris(L.) Besser (Brassicaceae) by LC-ESI-MS: Chemosystematic significance and cytotoxic activity. Asian Pac. J. Trop. Dis., 6(8): 633-637.
  92. Heba Abdel-Hady, Marwa Tamim Ahmed Abdel-Wareth, Eman Ahmed El-Wakil, Eman Ahmed Helmy (2016). Identification and evaluation of antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities of Penicillium islandicumand Aspergillus tamarii ethyl acetate extracts. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Vol. 5 (09), pp. 2021-2039.
  93. Ghareeb, MA, Refahy, LA, Saad. AM, Ahmed, WS, (2016): Chemical composition, antioxidant and anticancer activities of the essential oil from Eucalyptus citriodora(Hook.) leaves. Der Pharma Chemica,  8, 192-200.
  94. El-Neekety, AA, Abdel-Aziz, MS, Hathout, AS, Hamed, AA, Sabry A, Ghareeb MA, Aly SE, Abdel-Wahhab, MA,  (2016): Molecular identification of newly isolated non-toxigenic fungal strains having antiaflatoxigenic, antimicrobial and antioxidant activities. Der Pharma Chemica, 8, 121-134.
  95. Hathout, AS, EL-Neekety, AA, Abdel Aziz, MS, Sabry, BA, Hamed, AA, Ghareeb, MA, Aly, SE (2016): Novel Egyptian bacterial exhibiting antimicrobial and antiaflatoxigenic activity,“ Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, 6, 001-010.
  96. Manal M Hamed, Mona A Mohamed, Magda T Ibrahim (2016): Cytotoxic Activity Assessment of Secondary Metabolites from Tecomaria capensis v. aurea. International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemical Research 8(7); 1173-1182.
  97. Samir M. El-Amine, Maher AM Hashash, Allia M Abdou, Amal M.Saad, Mohamed S.Abdel-Aziz and Asmaa S. Mohamd (2016): Antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of PsidiumGuajava leaves growing in Egypt. Der Pharmacia Letter, 8(12):27-33.
  98. Ghareeb, MA, Ahmed, WS, Refahy, LA, Abdou, AM, Hamed, MM, Abdel-Aziz, MS (2016): Isolation and characterization of the bioactive phenolic compounds from Morus alba growing in Egypt,“ Pharmacologyonline, 3, 157-167.
  99. Abd El-Rahman AAA, IM Abd El-Aleem, LA Refahy and MA El-Shazly. (2016):  Total phenolic content, cytotoxic and antioxidant activities of Quisqualis indica (Linn.) growing in Egypt. Der Pharma Chemica, 8(3):53-59.
  100. Ezzat E. Abdel-Lateef, Olfat A. Hammam, Faten S. Mahmoud, Shima A. Atta, Mortada M. El-Sayed, Hanaa I. Hassenein (2016). Induction of apoptosis in human hepatoma cell lines (HepG2) by Vitex agnus-castus  leaves extracts and identification of their active chemical constituents by LC-ESI-MS. Asian Pac. J. Trop. Dis. 6(7): 539- 548.
  101. Ezzat E. Abdel-Lateef, Faten S. Mahmoud, Olfat A. Hammam, Eman G. El-Ahwany, Eman A. El-Wakil, Sherihan Kandil, Hoda Abu Taleb, Mortada M. El-Sayed, Hanaa I. Hassenein (2016). Bioactive chemical constituents of Curcuma longa  extract inhibit the growth in human hepatoma cell line (HepG2). Acta Pharm. 66: 387-398.
  102. Ghareeb, MA, Saad, AM, Abdou, AM, Refahy, LA, Ahmed, WS (2016): A new kaempferol glycoside with antioxidant activity fromChenopodium ambrosioides growing in EgyptOriental Journal of Chemistry, 32, 3053-3061.
  103. Ghareeb, MA, Saad, AM, Abdel-Aleem, AH, Abdel-Aziz, MS, Hamed, MM, Hadad, AH (2016): Antioxidant, antimicrobial, cytotoxic activities and biosynthesis of silver & gold nanoparticles using Syzygium jambosleaves growing in Egypt. Der Pharma Chemica, 8, 277-286,
  104. El-Sayed S. Abdel-Hameed, Salih A. Bazaid and Heba A. Hagag (2016): Chemical characterization of Rosa damascenaMiller var. trigintipetala Dieck essential oil and its in vitro genotoxic and cytotoxic properties. Journal of Essential Oil Research, 28( 2), 121–129.
  105. Mohamed Shohayeb, Hassan Arida, El-Sayed S. Abdel-Hameed and Saleh Bazaid (2015): Effects of Macro- and Microelements in Soil of Rose Farms in Taif on Essential Oil Production by Rosa damascena Journal of Chemistry, Volume 2015, Article ID 935235, 7 pages.
  106. Mohamed Abdelhamid El-Awady, Mohamed Mahmoud Hassan, El-Sayed Saleh Abdel-Hameed, and Ahmed Gaber (2015): Comparison of the Antimicrobial Activities of the Leaves-Crude Extracts of Moringa peregrina and Moringa oleifera in Saudi Arabia. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci., 4(12): 1-9.
  107. Mohamed A. Fadle; El-Sayed S. Abdel-Hameed; Hussein F. Farrag; Salih A. Bazaid (2015): Total phenolics and antioxidant activity of extracts from the leaf samples of wild African and cultivated Mediterranean olive growing in Taif, KSA and their taxonomical significance. Der Pharmacia Lettre, 7 (5):93-103.
  108. Mahmood Salman;  El-Sayed S. Abdel-Hameed;  Salih A. Bazaid; and Marwah M. Dabi (2015): Chemical composition for hydrodistillation essential oil of Mentha longifolia by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry from north regions in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Der Pharma Chemica, 7(4):34-40.
  109. Ghareeb, MA, Refahy, LA, Saad, AM, Osman, NS, Abdel-Aziz. MS, El-Shazly, MA, Mohamed, AS (2015): In vitroantimicrobial activity of five Egyptian plant species. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, 5, 045-049.
  110. Mortada M. El-Sayed, Maher M. El-Hashash, Heba R. Mohamed and Ezzat E. Abdel-Lateef (2015). Phytochemical Investigation and In vitro Antioxidant Activity of Different Leaf Extracts of Salix mucronata  J. Appl. Pharm. Sci., 5 (12): 80-85.
  111. Eman A. El-Wakil; Mortada M. El-Sayed; Ezzat E. Abdel-Lateef (2015). GC-MS Investigation of Essential Oil and Antioxidant Activity of Egyptian White Onion (Allium cepa ). Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Res. 6(3): 537-543.
  112. Ghareeb, MA, Refahy, LA, Saad, A.M., Osman, N.S., El-Shazly, MA, Mohamed, AS (2015): Cytotoxic screening of three Egyptian plants using brine shrimp lethality test.International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 7, 507-509.
  113. El-Sayed S. Abdel-Hameed, Salih A. Bazaid and Abdel Nasser A. Sabra (2015): Total phenolic, in vitro antioxidant activity and safety assessment (Acute, sub-chronic and chronic toxicity) of industrial Taif rose water by-product in mice. Der Pharmacia Lettre, 7 (2):251-259.
  114. AbdEl-Gawad M.M , El-Nahas H.A , Osman N.S (2015): Molluscicidal activity of steroidal saponins isolated from Agave angustifolia. Global Journal of Pharmacology 9 (2): 138-143.
  115. Abdalla M.Ibrahim , Mahfouz M.AbdEl-Gawad , Hanan A.El-Nahas and Nadia S.Osman (2015) : Studies on the molluscicidal activity of Agave angustifolia and Pittosporum topira on Schistosomiasis transmitting snails.  J.Egypt.Soc.Parasitol.(JESP) , 45(1): 133-141.
  116. Hamed M, El-Amin S, Abdel-Fattah AS (2015): Effect of some environmental conditions on the molluscicidal activity ofYucca filamentosa “marginata” and Cestrum purpureum. Pharmacology online,  2: 142-147.
  117. Hamed M, El-Amin S, Abdel-Fattah AS (2015): Molluscicidal Activity of Some Constituents Isolated from “Cestrum purpureum”. Pharmacology online, 2, 59-72.
  118. Hamed M, El-Amin S, Abdel-Fattah AS (2015): Isolation and identification of some compounds from molluscicidaly active plant Yucca filamentosa “marginata”. Pharmacology online, 1: 19-30.
  119. Manal M. Hamed, Mona A. Mohamed, Magda T. Ibrahim (2015): Phytochemical Investigation and Cytotoxic Characterization of Bioactive Constituents from Conyza dioscoridisInternational Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemical Research, 7(5); 948-955.
  120. Mona Mohamed, Olov Sterner, Karl-Erik Bergquistt (2015): Phytochemical and Cytotoxic Studies on Calendula Officinalis. Life Science Journal; 12(1), 194-201.
  121. Rabab A. El Dib, Jacqueline Eskander, Mona A. Mohamed, Nermine M. Mohammed (2015): Two new triterpenoid estersaponins and biological activities of Pittosporumtobira ‘Variegata’ (Thunb.) W. T. Aiton leaves. Fitoterapia 106, 272–279.
  122. Hamed, MM, Mohamed, MA Refai, LA Hammam, OA El-Ahwany, EG El-din, FS and Hassanein, HI. The Active Constituents of Pelargonium zonaleInduced Cytotoxicity in Human Hepatoma Cell Line HepG2. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Applications, l6 (1): 10-19 (2015).
  123. EL-Deeb AE, IM Abdel-Aleem, SM El-Amin, LA Refahy, MA El-Shazly (2015): Active cytotoxic compounds and essential oil from Bougainvillea alba. Journal of Natural Remedies, 15 (1): 49-57.
  124. Hamed MM, Refahy L A and Abdel-aziz MS (2015) Evaluation of Antimicrobial Activity of Some Compounds Isolated from Rhamnus cathartica L, Oriental Journal of Chemistry 31 (2): 1133-1140.
  125. Refahy LA, Farghaly TA, Abdel-Azia M and Mohamed TS. (2015):  Antimicrobial, Antioxidant and Cytotoxic Potential of Caesalpinia pulcherrima  Global Journal of Pharmacology 9 (2): 150-158.
  126. Eman A. El-Wakil, El-Sayed S. Abdel-Hameed, Mortada M. El-Sayed and Ezzat E. Abdel-Lateef (2015): Identification of the chemical composition of the methanolic extract of Salix tetrasperma using LC-ESI-MS and evaluation its potential as antioxidant agent. Der Pharma Chemica, 7(2):168-177.
  127. Salem, M.S., Guirguis, D.B., El-Helw, E.A.E., Ghareeb, M.A., Derbala, H.A.Y. (2014): Antioxidant activity of heterocyclic compounds derived from 4-(4-Acetamidophenyl)-4-oxobut-2-enoic acidInternational Journal of Science and Research, 3, 1274-1282.
  128. NM, Mohamed MA, Hamed MM, Sterner O, Botros SS (2014): Potential effect of the medicinal plants Calotropis proceraFicuselastica and Zingiber officinale against Schistosoma mansoni in mice. Pharmaceutical Biology, 52(2):144-50.
  129. Mahfouz M. Abdel-Gawad; Maher M. Abdel-Aziz; Mortada M. El-Sayed; Eman A. El-Wakil; Ezzat E. Abdel-Lateef (2014). Chromatographic Isolation of Allium cepa (ssp. red onion) and its Cytotoxic Activity against Human Liver Carcinoma Cell Lines (HepG2). Int. J. pharm. Pharma. Sci. 6 (8): 108-111.
  130. Mahfouz Abdel-Gawad; Maher Abdel-Aziz; Mortada El-Sayed; Eman El-Wakil; Ezzat Abdel-Lateef (2014). In vitro Antioxidant, Total Phenolic and Flavonoid Contents of Six Allium Species Growing in Egypt. J. Microbiol. Biotech. Food Sci. 3 (4): 343-346.
  131. Ghareeb M.A., Shoeb, H.A., Madkour, H.M.F., Refahy, L.A., Mohamed, M.A., Saad, A.M. (2014): Antioxidant and cytotoxic activities of flavonoidal compounds from Gmelina arborea(Roxb.)Global Journal of Pharmacology, 8, 87-97.
  132. Mortada M. El-Sayed, Hanan, A. El-Nahas and El-Wakil E. A, (2014).           Molluscicidal Properties and Chemical Constituents of Euphorbia peploides. Australin J. of Basic and Applied Sciences, 8(3), 541-548.
  133. Ghareeb, MA, Shoeb, HS, Madkour, HMF. Refaey, LA, Mohamed, MA, Saad, AM (2014): Antioxidant and cytotoxic activities of Tectona grandisLinn leavesInternational Journal of Phytopharmacology, 5, 143-157.
  134. Shoeb HA, Madkour, HMF Refahy, LA, Mona A Mohamed, MA, Saad, AM, Ghareeb, MA, (2014): Antioxidant and cytotoxic activities of Gmelina arborea(ROXB.) leaves. British Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 4, 125-144. 
  135. Laila A. Refahy and Amal M. Saad (2014): Characterization of Chemical Constituents, Reducing Power and Anticancer Activities of Terminalia bellericaRoxb Academic Journal of Cancer Research 7 (2): 117-125.
  136. William S, Saad A, Abdou A, Refahy L, Sabra A, Sterner O and Botros S. (2014): Potential Antischistosomal Activities of Some Egyptian Native Plants Using Schistosoma mansoniWorm Killing Assay. Global Journal of Pharmacology 8 (2): 237-244.
  137. Mahmood Salman; El-Sayed S. Abdel-Hameed; Salih A. Bazaid; Musbah G. Al-Shamrani and Hanaa F. Mohamed (2014): Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) method for the determination of sugars in fresh pomegranate fruit juices. Der Pharma Chemica,  6(5):320-333.
  138. Mahmood Salman; El-Sayed S. Abdel-Hameed; Salih A. Bazaid; and Musbah G. Al-Shamrani (2014): Atomic absorption spectrometry and flame photometry for determination of minerals elements in fresh pomegranate fruit juice. Der Pharma Chemica, 6(6):149-155.
  139. Afaf A. Abdel-Hady, Hanan A. El-Nahas, Salwa K. El Nabarawy and Heba A. Abdel Raouf. (2014): Evaluation of the Antioxidant Activity and the Acute Oral Toxicity of Three Plant Extracts on Albino Mice. Middle East Journal of Applied Sciences, 4(2): 207-216.
  140. Hamed, M. M., El-Amin, S. M. A. Refahy, L. A., Soliman, E. A., Mansour, W. A., Abu Taleb, H. M. and Morsi, E. A. (2015). Anticancer and antiviral estimation of three ulmus pravifolia extracts and their chemical constituents. Oriental journal of chemistry.31 (3)1621-1634.
  141. Hanan A El-Nahas, Salwa K El Nabarawy , Afaf A Abdel-Hady, Ahmed M Abdel-Hady, Heba A Abdel Raouf. (2014): Effect of methanol extracts of three dietary plants growing in Egypt on mice fed with high fat diet. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science Vol. 4 (05), pp. 104-111.
  142. El-Sayed S. Abdel-Hameed; Salih A. Bazaid; Othman Al Zahrani; Yasser El-Halmouch; Mortada M. El-Sayed; Eman  El-Wakil (2014): Chemical composition of volatile components, antimicrobial and  anticancer activity of n-hexane extract and essential oil from Trachyspermum ammi seeds. Oriental Journal of Chemistry Vol. 30(4), 1653-1662.
  143. Mohamed M. Shohayeb, El-Sayed S. Abdel-Hameed, Salih A. Bazaid; Ibrahim M. (2014): Antibacterial and Antifungal Activity of Rosa damascena  Essential Oil, Different Extracts of Rose Petals. Global Journal of Pharmacology 8 (1): 1-7.
  144. El-Sayed S. Abdel-Hameed; Salih A. Bazaid, Mohamed M. Shohayeb (2014): RP-HPLC-UV–ESI-MS phytochemical analysis of fruits of Conocarpus erectus Chemical Papers. 68 (10) 1358–1367.
  145. El-Sayed S. Abdel-Hameed; Mohamed A. Nagaty;  Mahmood S. Salman, Salih A. Bazaid (2014): Phytochemicals, nutritionals and antioxidant properties of two prickly pear cactus cultivars (Opuntia ficus indica) growing in Taif, KSA. Food Chemistry 160 (2014) 31-38.
  146. Heba A. Hagag, Salih A. Bazaid, El-Sayed S. Abdel-Hameed, Mahmood Salman (2014). Cytogenetic, cytotoxic and GC–MS studies on concrete and absolute oils from Taif rose, Saudi Arabia. Cytotechnology, 66(6):913-23.
  147. Ghareeb M.A., Shoeb H.A., Madkour H.M.F., Refahy L.A., Mohamed M.A., Saad A.M. (2013). Radical scavenging potential and cytotoxic activity of phenolic compounds from Tectona grandis (Linn.). Global Journal of Pharmacology. 7(4): 486-497.
  148. El-Sayed M., El-Nahas H., Abdel-Hameed E., El-Waked E. (2013). Investigation and antioxidant of phenolic compounds of the leaves of Gleditsia tricanthos. Int J Pharm and Pharmaceutical Science. 5(2): 172-177.
  149. El-Sayed M., Abdel-Aziz M., Abdel-Gwad M., Abdel-Hameed E., Sabry W., Abdel-Lateef E. (2013). Chemical constituents and cytotoxic activity of Cassia glauca Linn Leaves. Life Science Journal. 10(3): 1617-1625.
  150. Mohamed M., Abdou A., Saad A. and Ibrahim M. (2013). Cytotoxic activity of Buddleja asiatica. Journal of life Science. 10(1): 2773-2777.
  151. Abdallah H., Mohamed M., Abdou A., Hamed M., Abdel-Naim A. and Ashour O. (2013). Protective effect of Centaurea Pallescens Del. against CCl4-induced injury on a human hepatoma cell line (Huh7), Medicinal Chemistry Research. 22(4): 5700-5706.
  152. Abdou A., Abdallah H., Mohamed M., Fawzy G. and Abdel-Naim A. (2013). A new Anti-inflammatory triterperpene saponin isolated from Anabasis setifera. Archive of Pharmacal Research. 36(6): 715-722.
  153. Seif el-Din S., El-Lakkany N., Mohamed M., Hamed M., Sterner O., Botros S. (2013). Potential effect of the medicinal plants Calotropis procera, Ficus elastica and Zingiber officinale against Schistosoma mansoni in mice. Pharmaceutical Biology, 1-7.
  154. Abdel-Hameed E., Bazaid S., Shohayeb M., El-Sayed M., El-Wakel E. (2012). Phytochemical studies and evaluation of antioxidant, anticancer and antimicrobial properties of Conocarpus erectus growing in Taif, Saudi Arabia. European Journal of Medicinal plants. 2(2): 93-112.
  155. Mohamed M., Abdou A., Hamed M. and Saad A. (2012). Characterization of Bioactive Phytochemical from the leaves of Vitex trifolia. International Journal of Pharmaceutical applications. 3(4): 419-428.
  156. Mahmoud M., EL-Amin S., Refahy L. and Saad A. (2012). Possible antischistosomal and antinenoceptive activity of different extracts of Glycerrhiza glabra. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Applications. 3 (2): 360-369.
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