Tissue Engineering and Cell-Based Regenerative Therapy

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Tissue Engineering and Cell-Based Regenerative Therapy

The center was established in the year 2009 under the supervision of Prof. Hanan el Baz (Professor of Immunology, TBRI) and it consists of 6 units:

1) Clinical Research Unit:

A clean lab prepared for clinical translation and applications of stem cell research. It consists of and 4 areas:

­Area A (under the laminar flow): the most sterile area. It is used for isolation and culture of stem cells.

­Area B (Working area):

  •  This area is for processing of samples.
  •  Benches are made of electro polished stainless steel.
  •  This area is equipped with:
    1.  Clini MACS (Miltneyi Biotech, Germany): closed system used for clinical separation of different types of cells from bone marrow aspirate and leukapharesis.
    2.  Sepax (Biosafe, Spain): closed system used for separation of mononuclear cell layer from blood samples.
    3.  Co2 incubator (Thermo Scientific, USA).
    4.  Cooling centrifuge (Eppendorf, Germany).
    5.  Laminar flow (Telstar, Spain).
    6.  Balance.
    7.  Shaker.

­ Area C (Preparation area):

  •  Contain benches and storage units made of electro polished stainless steel.
  •  This area is equipped with:
    1.  Ordinary microscope (Olympus, Japan).
    2.  Inverted microscope (Olympus, Japan).
    3.  Digital camera with adaptor for ordinary and inverted microscopes (Olympus, Japan).
    4.  Refrigerator.
    5.  Labtop.

­ Area D (Gowning area): contain step over bench, lockers, and unit for storage of sterilized gowns. They are all made of electro polished stainless steel.

Area E (hand sterilization area).

2) Experimental Research Unit:

­ Equipped with:

  •  Laminar flow (Telstar, Spain).
  •  Co2 incubator (Thermo Scientific, USA).
  •  Cooling centrifuge (Eppendorf, Germany).
  •  Ordinary microscope (Olympus, Japan).
  •  Inverted microscope (Olympus, Japan).
  •  Refrigerator.

3) Sample Preparation and Characterization Unit:

  •  For paper work and documentation.
  •  Characterization by Flowcytometry (Beckman Coulter) in the central lab of TBRI.

4) Molecular Immunology Unit:

­ For molecular characterization of stem cells.

­ Equipped with:

  •  Laminar flow (JSCB 1200SB, Korea).
  •  Real-time PCR (Applied Biosystem step one, USA).
  •  Thermal cycler (Bio-Rad, USA).
  •  High speed cooling centrifuge (Eppendorf, Germany).
  •  Spectrophotometer (ABBOTA, USA).
  •  Gel electrophoresis.
  •  UV transilluminator.
  •  Microwave.
  •  Laptop.

5) Cryopreservation Unit:

­ For storage of cells and tissues in liquid nitrogen (-200).

­ Equipped with:

  •  Liquid nitrogen tank: as a reservoir for liquid nitrogen.
  •  2 Liquid nitrogen locators with racks (Thermo Scientific, USA): for storage of samples.
  •  Controlled-rate freezer (Thermo Scientific, USA).


– For storing sterile disposables.

A. External projects funded by STDF:

  1.  The Generation of Cord Blood-Derived Unrestricted Somatic Stem Cells and Their Differentiation into Hepatocyte-like Cells Pave the Way for Liver Regeneration. PI: Prof. Zeinab Demerdash, (2010-2015), funded by the Science & Technology Development Fund (STDF1410, Basic and applied science).

B. Internal projects funded by TBRI:

  1.  Establishment of Specific Operating Procedures (SOP’s) for Human Myoblast Culture. PI: Prof. Dr. Hanan El-Baz (2009-2013).
  2.  Processing and Cryopreservation of Cord Blood: A preliminary Step Towards the Establishment of TBRI National Stem Cell Bank. PI: Prof. Dr. Zeinab Demerdash (2009-2014).
  3.  Autologus Hematopoietic Stem Cells in The Treatment of End-Stage Liver Disease: A Pilot Clinical Trial conducted in TBRI. PI: Prof. Dr. Hanan El-Baz (2009-2011).
  4.  Hepatogenic Differentiation Potentials of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells: An in-vitro Study. PI: Prof. Dr. Hanan El-Baz (2010 to 2016).
  5.  Transplantation of Hepatogenic Differentiated Mesenchymal Stem Cells versus Adult Hepatocytes in Experimental Chronic Liver Insult Model: A Comparative Study. PI: Prof. Hanan El-Baz (2013- to date).
  6.  Effect of repeated passaging and cell density on proliferation and differentiation potential of cord blood Mesenchymal stem cells. PI: Prof. Kesmat Maher (2014 to 2017).
  7.  The differentiation potential of human cord blood- derived mesenchymal stem cells into functional hepatocyte-like cells on nanofibrous scaffold. PI: Prof. Zeinab Demerdash (2014- to date).
  8.  Mesenchymal stem cells with or without targeted gold coated magnetic nanoparticles as a novel therapeutic tool in hepatocellular carcinoma murine model: A pilot study. P.I: prof. Wafaa A. Mansour (2014-to date).

Prof. Hanan el Baz
Professor of Immunology, TBRI
Email: [email protected]

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