The Medical Malacology Laboratory-TBRI is announcing

The Medical Malacology Laboratory-TBRI is announcing for their 1st workshop on “Snails as neurobiological models, bio-indicators and intermediate hosts”. The workshop will be held on the 4th of November, 2018 at the premises of the Hall number 2, 2nd floor, Hospital Building.

The workshop is organized within the framework of the Egypt-US Cooperation Program, implemented by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), USA and the Science and Technology Development Fund (STDF), Egypt (project no USC17:188). The project is entitled “A Neurobiological Approach to Vector Control for Intestinal Schsitosomiasis”. The Principal Investigators of the project are Dr. Mohamed Habib (TBRI, Egypt) and Dr. Mark W. Miller (USA).

The workshop will be given by Dr. Mark W. Miller and the staff of the Malacology laboratory, TBRI. Dr. Mark W. Miller, is a Professor of Anatomy & Neurobiology, University of Puerto Rico – San Juan, Puerto Rico. His main research interests are in the study of the nervous system structure and Function in an Intermediate Host for schistosomiasis, central pattern generators and the control of motor behavior, principles of “Brain”-“Body” coupling and motor control, co-transmitters and the regulation of motor activity and conditional rhythmicity and synchrony of motor activity

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